Monday, October 5, 2009

Old Stuff #3

" is nothing more than free nachos."

Originally Posted by BK.

Today in my inbox I got one of the worst reminders of my two month stint on popular dating website, They told me that I had sparked the interest. Of a lady. I don’t think I marked anywhere that I was interested in ladies, so the first thought that popped into my head was “dear lord, even has given up on finding me a man.”

I took the plunge into the exciting world of online dating a few months ago. I joined mostly because Washington, DC is a big place and I was tired of meeting dudes at bars or through friends or when they were the captain of my kickball team or when they missed connectioned me on craigslist.

At first it was really fun. As people who know me will confirm, the main way to impress me right off the bat is to tell me I’m pretty. And man, if you want people to tell you you are pretty, you should probably join because so many creepy people who are 50 or live in Florida or have 3 kids and not a real job will send you emails telling you how hot you are.

I went on a few dates with guys who were boring and two inches shorter than what they said on their profiles. As I got discouraged, my roommate (K) told me what soon became my mantra, “Think of all these dates you’re going on as a never-ending supply of free nachos.” And that is what I did. I went on dates and made the boys buy me nachos.

What you quickly realize on a site like is that every dude is the same. Seriously. Their profiles all say the same things, some variation of “I’m a laid back kinda guy. I like to go out with my friends, but sometimes I like to stay in and watch movies. I like to travel.” Well thank you for that glimpse into the inner workings of your soul. Congratulations, you’ve described the interests of essentially everyone in the world.

So I quit. And is super passive aggressive when you quit. Like they ask you about 40 times if you’re sure you want to quit, and then they make you fill out this questionnaire about why you’re quitting. Like “Why did you not like any of the men that were presented as matches?” They didn’t have real reasons like “all their profiles were the same” or “they were midgets” or “they lived 45 minutes away from me” or “they have children.” The choice they actually had was “It’s just me. I’m too picky.” Apparently a 23 year old woman in a big city is too picky if she wants to date a non-boring guy over 5’8” who doesn’t have children or live in Baltimore. Who knew.

And so they try to lure me back with emails about people who are interested in my profile which is apparently still up. Maybe showing me to the ladies is a last ditch effort to get me back. Maybe they hope it will spark some curiosity in me that has always been hidden or something. Mostly it just made me snarky. And also made me crave nachos.

Old Stuff #2

"From Iowa City, With Love."

Originally Posted by Liberty.

Greetings from Liberty, reporting live from a law school library (hereinafter, lawbrary) near you. What should you know about me? Well, we’ve just met, so I’ll keep it clean. Vital statistics include:

- Twenty-something, midwestern, law student.

- Interests include politics, animals, using ye olde english in everyday conversations, and fried things with cheese.

- Dream job is bad-ass civil rights lawyer. Back up plans include Food Network chef, zookeeper, and bookstore owner a la Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail.

BK & I hope you’ll enjoy our daily musings. I can promise, above all else, that they will be utterly random. If you don’t enjoy our musings, well…I don’t care.

Old Stuff # 1

"Meet us."

Originally Posted by BK.

Liberty and I are bored. Often. But also sometimes funny things happen to us.

So mostly for our own benefit but maybe for the benefit of you guys too, we are going to start a blog about us. And hopefully it will be mildly entertaining.

I’m BK, and I will write in plain text while Liberty writes in bold. I will let her introduce herself too. As for me, I am a twenty something lady living in Washington, DC and trying to make my life more Mary Tyler Moore and less weird cat lady living in a basement. I will let you know how that goes. Ridiculous things often happen to me. Also sometimes I do ridiculous things because I think the stories that result from them will be funny. I love cupcakes and hate pulpy orange juice. I have no strong opinions about U2.

So hopefully people like what they read, but if they don’t, whatev. We’re doing this mostly to keep ourselves entertained.

Hello blogger.

So BK and I started our blog on another popular, pre-formatted blogging website. Things were going swimmingly, but a mere 3 posts in we realized we wanted more control over what we posted and and how it was formatted (aesthetics are important, after all). Hence, we've transitioned to blogger. We probably should've thought of it sooner, seeing as we (or at least, I) love all things Google.

I'll be transitioning the posts on the old blog onto this one -- just a heads up. I apologize if things seem funky or out of order.

Now, back to legal research and the debilitating depression that accompanies it.